Why Fireside?

The fireside is where we tell our stories. It’s where we sing our songs and dance in ways we may have forgotten. Throughout time fires have been built during labor to provide warmth & comfort, to boil water and to make nourishing food for the new family. Fire helps shape a landscape. Fire is intense and all consuming…much like labor.

Fires bring us together.

We build them.

We put them out.

We stoke them.

We gather around them.

And finally, the name “Fireside” also honors the memory of my father who loved building fires almost daily. The fire was his calming place. Somewhere to unwind and feed the flames with each stick or log placed. Building the fire was meditative and the smell of wood smoke a calming and lingering presence on his clothes.

Let us join together to create memories, hold what we love close, and become warmer by the fireside.